MetaWeekly 20181009

This week in the meta: Author teases CDPR fans; Kingdom Hearts takes more of your money; we’ll be getting another bad video game movie; CEO of ESA steps down; a legend dies; Google threatens to follow through; and THERE’S NO FORTNITE IN HOCKEY! (I’m sure everyone gets that reference.)

  • NHL hokey team bans video games while on the road. SPOILER ALERT: It’s because of Fortnite. (

  • Author whimsically offers video game rights to CDPR for free, drives Reddit crazy. (

  • Get caught up with Kingdom Hearts! But, only if you have a PS4. (

  • In a world on the brink of destruction, our only hope is to unite through… Dance Dance Revolution? (

  • CEO of the ESA (the major industry association for the video game industry) steps down without explanation. (

  • Influential video game composer dies at age 51. (